How to Half Swipe on Snapchat? (Does It Still Work in 2023)

Half Swipe on Snapchat

Do you want to half swipe on Snapchat but still don't know if it is possible or how to go about it? Snapchat comes with multiple hidden features, half swiping being one of them. Read our article and find out if the feature still works.

Snapchat is one of the unique social media platforms that come with many advanced features. Among the features which many social media platforms adopted is the disappearing stories. That is not all. It has been a half-swipe feature that users can use to peek at the chat message without fully opening it so that the sender might not know if you have opened it.

There are many reasons for using this feature, and you can intelligently trick the platform and read the message without it knowing. The chances are that you are aware of the feature, but since it has been the day's talk on social media platforms, many people are still asking themselves if the feature is still working in 2023.

This article will take you through multiple procedures to swipe tricks and tips. But before that, let us find out if this half-swipe feature is still working.

Does Snapchat's Half Swipe Feature Still Work in 2023? 

Half swipe is a Snapchat feature that allows users to read messages from their friends without them knowing. Snapchat also comes within-built features like other social media platforms, allowing people to interact with friends. Still, the thing making this platform unique is disappearing chats and messages after 24 hours. 

Half Swipe

Though the half swipe feature existed on Snapchat, it was only a trick and not an official feature that spread among people like storms. in normal cases, Snapchat lets the users know when you open their chat or snap but with the half swipe feature, the message remains unopened and never disappears, and this is what made the trick popular among people around the world. 

In June 2021, Snapchat removed this feature, and many users never realized it, but few who were using it noted the disappearance. While they were working on fixing the bugs through regular updates and glitches, the trick was removed. Most users reported the issues, but we generally agree that the feature has multiple options and has been on the platform for many years. Though not official, most users are utilizing it to surreptitiously access messages from someone without the need to get pressure to respond.

Using this feature is pretty simple, and we will find out in the next section. Though removed because of the updates, the feature seems to have come back, but the availability depends on the version of Snapchat you are using. Therefore, since august 2022, people can still half swipe chats on the platform. We tried performing iOS and Android tests, showing half-swiping features working.

The feature to half swipe on Snapchat was not intentionally created, and this brings in consensus and seems to be an accidental feature on Snapchat. Therefore, if you are a fanatic about this feature, you should be prepared and note that it may not be available at any time because it is not an official feature. Though it might be fixed in the future due to updates, currently, the feature is functional, and you can enjoy it as long as you need.

How to Half Swipe on Snapchat New Update 2023? 

As we also stated earlier, the half-swipe feature is simple to use on Snapchat. However, it might take a few tries before you get used to the process. Here is the procedure you must follow to successfully half swipe on Snapchat using your device:

Step 1: Launch the Snapchat application on your mobile gadget and log in to access your account.


Step 2: Then click on the chat button, which is found at the bottom of the screen, to access the messages or chats on Snapchat. Equally, you can still swipe from left to right across the screen to access the messages or chats.


Step 3: Then select the chat thread with unread messages to start half-swiping. Tap on the thread lightly, then hold the profile button of the targeted sender that you want to half-swipe. 


Step 4: Therefore, drag your finger across your screen from the left towards the right-hand side to read the message without even opening the chat. That is all, and you are done.

You will realize that the chat screen will tend to expand on the screen when you drag your finger, and you will be able to read the message. Never allow it to return to the chat screen when you are done. Instead, drag your finger back to the normal position from the right to the left so you can close the chat screen with messages.

The process is simple, and when you successfully follow it, you are a pro in half swiping on Snapchat.

But there are a few things here that you need to note. First, when you decide to take a screenshot of the message in the half-swiping messages, the platform will notify the sender through the chat, which states that you took a screenshot. Therefore, to avoid the notification, try your best not to take screenshots o the chat at all costs.

Also, note that this feature is not functional on Snapchat but only applicable to Snapchat text messages.

Alternative to Half Swipe on Snapchat

Half Swipe on Snapchat

Besides half swiping, which comes with many restrictions, there is another alternative here to half swipe. First, you can count on using airplane mode on your device. This is how to go about it:

Step 1: Launch your Snapchat application, and ensure you are logged in to your account with relevant details.

Step 2: Then head to the chat section to access messages by clicking on the chat icon or swiping.

chat icon

Step 3: Then click on the snaps you ish to half swipe and open.

Step 4: Then move ahead by pulling down the quick settings. However, if you are an iPhone user, you can pull down the quick settings from the top section of your screen. After that, click on airplane mode to switch on.

airplane mode

Step 5: Then click and hold on the Bitmoji of the contacts, then drag the thumb from the left to the right so that you can half-swipe the snap.

half-swipe the snap

Step 6: Once you are done reading the chat, then you can close the Snapchat application.

Step 7: Then head to the quick settings again and turn off the airplane mode to normal.

Step 8: Then you can log in to your Snapchat account; the message will remain unopened.

Besides that, there is another method, but this one needs to use the pre-update Snapchat version. If you are an android user, you can get this apk file much faster. Here is how to get these pre-update files.

Step 1: Click here and then search for the Snapchat application.

napchat application

Step 2: Select any of the options on the pre-June snap[chat version.

Step 3: Then tap on download to have the pre-update APK files

Step 4: Please tap on the link so that it redirects you to the downloading page ( Snapchat (arm-v7a) (nodpi) (Android 4.4+) APK Download by Snap )


Step 5: Before you install the pre-update versions, make sure you uninstall the current Snapchat version from your device.

Step 6: Then proceed to install the Snapchat version.


Step 7: Then make sure the application does not update the current version as it typically does.


Half swiping is an incredible feature giving many users an excellent Snapchat experience. Though not an official feature, it is excellent, but it is fixed and removed anytime because of the regular updates. Otherwise, using the feature is simple.

Our article has covered a detailed procedure for using it and alternative methods. Read and practice before becoming a pro and then go incognito while reading Snapchat messages.