How to Delete Instagram Post Permanently, or Archive It

How to Delete Instagram Post

Have you posted something on Instagram that you cannot delete? Wo no more. The article will guide you on deleting unnecessary posts on Instagram or the archive.

Instagram has advanced since the 2,010s when the valencia filter was hip, using it on every Instagram photo. These days, getting even 25 Instagram likes was more than enough. Nothing was professionally curated before posting, and anything was allowed regardless of the bad lighting.

However, it would help if you did not live in times of regret. You might be struggling to erase all the evidence of the previous clumsy posts. This is the right place. While posting is a great way to arrange your memories, it is still possible to delete them when irrelevant. You only need to follow simple steps.

Therefore, in our article, we will guide you on how to delete Instagram posts and perform other tasks. Let us get started right away.

How to Delete an Instagram Post on Your Phone

If you are fighting to delete Instagram posts using your phone gadget, then here is the step by step guide:

Step 1: Launch your Instagram application on the home screen, log in or not; you are not logged in, then locate the post you want to delete using android or iPhone.

Step 2: Click on your profile icon, located at the bottom right-hand corner.

Step 3: Then navigate through the photos or post you need to delete, select and tap on them while on the profile page.

Step 4: Then tap on the 3 dots found on the photo page in the upper right corner of the screen. In most cases, it is to the right-hand side of your username just above the profile photo. It will present your new menu with different options.

Step 5: Click on delete which is the first option at the top of the menu, and delete the photo. After that, confirm the deletion by clicking a popup window. If you want to delete permanently, click delete again and you will never reaccess the picture on your Instagram feeds.

The above steps help you delete your Instagram post permanently. This removes anything such as likes, comments, and posts from the Instagram profile. However, there is also another option of deleting Instagram posts with the option to restore them in the future. We will covet this part in the next section.

How to Delete an Instagram Post on PC

It si shard to find the delete button on an Instagram post using a computer. There is only one solution when you are in such a situation: follow our guide. Besides cleaning your account, these steps are vital for deleting a post on your Instagram profile using a PC. You can also develop a script to help you delete bulk Instagramram posts once.

For Instagram, InstaG Purger is a script compatible with significant browsers supporting the developer console while using the device toolbar. Thus, here are steps to direct you in deleting Instagram posts:

Step 1: Open your browser and, for this case, chrome on the computer

Step 2: Visit the Instagram website, and if not logged in, then login to the account with your credentials

Step 3: Then right-click to get more options, then choose to inspect. The option will open up the developer console via your chrome browser.

Step 4: Then tap on the toggle device toolbar, which is found in the developer console

Step 5: From the drop-down menu, choose any gadget such as an iPhone x, then make sure the scale is set to 100%.

Step 6: From there, reload your Instagram page.

Step 7: To switch, tap on the feeds icon

Step 8: And tap on the 3 dots to access more options

Step 9: Choose delete from the options

Step 10: Finalize by tapping the delete command again. This confirms that you are deleting Instagram posts.

Though it sounds complex when you put it into practice, it becomes simple, and you will have your post deleted from Instagram feeds using a PC. You can use this method on any browser, even without third-party applications.

How to Mass-Delete Your Instagram Posts at Once

It is overwhelming to perform mass deletion of an Instagram post. Sometimes, it is considered impossible, especially when you want to delete it once. This is because Instagram does not have such an option. There are always other options for any problem today.

Therefore, you can decide to use third-party software and perform mass deleting faster and efficiently. Today, technology has advanced, and previously, only searching Instagram mass delete apps gave you access to multiple softwares to use. However, the old days are gone, and any search offers you all outdated applications that are not working, hence not crucial for this case.

Among the best third-party application available online is Instant cleaner. It works effectively when it comes to mass deleting Instagram posts once. However, for it to work well and perform mass delete, you must upgrade to the premium package. The application is compatible with iPhone only.

InstaClean app Download from Play Store

When you want to delete your multiple Instagram posts at once, Intaclean is best. The app is available on the play store and app store for free. Here is how to mass-delete your Instagram posts at once using this third party application:-

Step 1: After downloading and installing the InstaClean app, launch

Step 2: Then make sure you log in to the application using relevant Instagram details.

Step 3: They allow the Instant cleaner application to access Instagram account information and posts.

Step 4: After that, click on the media icon found at the bottom right corner of your screen.

Step 5: Choose the photos or posts you want to mass delete by only clicking on each image one at ago.

Step 6: Click on the trash can icon, which you can see at the top right corner of your screen.

Step 7: Choose delete.

Note that the number of photos you delete depends on the number of coins on the account. The application offers you 50 free coins once you install them, but you must purchase more coins through a subscription when you exhaust them.

Can You Restore Your Deleted Posts

You cannot restore your previously deleted Instagram posts through the application. To this date, Instagram only offers users the option to recover their Instagram photos that have been archived. But when you delete them, it becomes almost impossible unless otherwise.

Once you delete an Instagram application, it becomes deleted entirely from the platform. While the comments, posts, and likes are deleted, it is still possible to restore old photos and videos using iPhone under some conditions.

First, you must enable original photos through the Instagram application so that any photos or videos you post on the Instagram stories are saved to the camera roll automatically. Therefore, you can only access the posts in a particular folder within Instagram's camera roll. So, when you would wish to turn on the original photo feature, here is how to go about it:

Step 1: Launch your Instagram application on the iPhone

Step 2: Then click on the person icon located at the bottom right corner of your screen, then navigate through to access your profile.

Step 3: Click on the 3 horizontal lines found at the top right corner of your screen.

Step 4: Then open settings, click on account, then original photos

Step 5: Please tap on the button to toggle it, which enables the feature.

Another option to find the deleted Instagram post is opening a folder named recently deleted on your camera roll. The posts are kept in this folder for about 30 days, and after that, they are deleted permanently.

How to Archive an Instagram Post

Archive an Instagram Post

The easiest method to enable you to restore Instagram posts is to archive them. Therefore, you need to follow the below steps to archive Instagram posts:

Step 1: Launch your Instagram application by clicking the icon on your phone's home screen.

Step 2: Log in to the application, and if you have already logged in, proceed.

Step 3: Click on the profile icon located at the bottom right-hand side of the screen.

Step 4: Then once on the Instagram feeds, click on the photos you want to archive

Step 5: The open settings menu by clicking on the 3 horizontal found on the right-hand side of your username located on the top of the screen.

Step 6: Click on the archive, which removes your posts from the timeline to archive the photos.

You must know that you can continuously review this step anytime by only clicking on the 3 vertical stocked lines found at the upper right-hand corner of the profile page, then clicking archive. You can unarchive your posts anytime when you click on the 3 dotted menu and choose a show on your profile.

The posts are again returned to your feeds, and all the likes, comments, etc. But when you want to distinguish between archived posts and stories, use the drop-down archive menu located at the top of your screen.

How to Access Your Private Archive Gallery

Access Your Private Archive Gallery

Now that you have learned how to archive Instagram posts, it is also time to know where to find such posts in the private archive gallery. Here is how to go about it:-

Step 1: Lach the Instagram application on your gadget

Step 2: Then click on the person icon located at the bottom right corner of your screen, then navigate through to the profile.

Step 3: After that, click on the  3 horizontal lines found at the top right of your screen.

Step 4: Finally, click on the archive.

That is it, and you are no eon your archive gallery. This is where your private and archived posts stay for good unless you decide otherwise, like making them public.


To this far, you can now delete Instagram posts one by one or mass delete them. However, Instagram does not allow this when using a website on a desktop. Make sure that your Instagram application is up to date and nothing happens, then try reaching out for help from the help center on Instagram.

Otherwise, the above steps will help you access a delete button at your disposal, archive, and even mass delete Instagram posts.