How to Mute Someone on Facebook?

Mute Someone on Facebook

Are you feeling uncomfortable and disturbed by some strangers on Facebook, yet you do not want to block them? Well, and the good but good news is that Facebook gives you the option to mute them. Learn tricks, steps, and tips on how to mute someone on Facebook.

Key Content:

  • Mute Someone in the Facebook News Feed
  • Mute Stories on Facebook
  • Mute Someone on Facebook Messenger

Facebook is one of the great social media platforms, with over 2.89 billion monthly active users worldwide. The platform has multiple features that facilitate action, such as messaging, groups, calls, and videos. But still, the platform enables people to share the images with friends even on their timelines and manage the marketplace. Hence, this has become a perfect social media platform for promoting business.

However, Facebook does not have strict guidelines regarding adding friends. Users can add as many friends as they wish worldwide, including strangers. Such strangers might also make you uncomfortable since they might decide to call, message or even video chat users online anytime.

When users get frequent disturbances, some situations rise and interfere with their concentration. For such a case, Facebook offers you a feature to mute someone since no one loves being hassled on Facebook.

Today's article will take you through detailed procedures to mute someone on Facebook using different devices. Though technical as opposed to blocking, you must learn how to go about it. Let us get started without wasting time.

How to Mute Someone in the Facebook News Feed

There comes a time when you want to mute someone or temporarily mute them for 30 days. Then, this is a simple process. This section will teach you how to mute someone on your Facebook news feed. There are different conditions here, but the step depends on what you want o to achieve at the end.

Step 1: Launch the Facebook application or visit the Facebook website and log in to access your account.

Step 2: Then locate the person whom you want to mute their profile. From there, there are different actions you can take, as below.

Step 3: Click the snooze (Name) for 30 days icon if you want to temporarily put the person or page on hold for 30 days.

30 days

Step 4: Click on the unfollow (Name) icon if you want to mute the target person, then hide their posts from your Facebook feeds.


Step 5: Still, you can unfollow someone from their Facebook profile page. Simple click on the friends' tabs while on profile. And from the list of friends, click on the unfollow icon beside the name, and you will be done.

How to Mute Stories on Facebook

On Facebook, when you use the story muting feature on someone's profile, their stories will no longer be visible on your timeline. You are the only one who can see the story of someone when you mute them or decide to unmute them.

There are simple steps to mute someone's story on Facebook. Here we go:

Step 1: Launch your Facebook account, and log in with your relevant details.


Step 2: Head to the story section, which is found at the top of the feed on your account.

Step 3: Then locate the person you want to mute their story and click on one of the stories under this section. The story can be from the Facebook page or a group.

Step 4: After that, tap on the 3 horizontal dots at the top right corner of the story you have ted.

see lside

Step 5: Then, from the resulting menu, click on the mute(name) and confirm again by clicking mute then you are done.

There is a big difference between unfriending and muting your friend's story on Facebook. Again, there is a big difference as well when it comes to unfollowing. But keep in mind that when mute someone's story, you are still friends on the platform, and you will also access their posts on your news feed as normal.

How to Mute Someone on Facebook Messenger

Muting is not only limited to the timeline and story but extends to Facebook messenger, just like other social media platforms. And surprisingly, the steps are similar to the ones you followed while working on other social network accounts. You can do away with the annoying people on your Facebook messenger to have peace of mind. In this section, we have different scenarios, as seen below:

On the Desktop

It is as simple as 123. Here are the steps:-

Step 1: To this extent, we assume you already have logged into your Facebook account.

Step 2: Proceed to launch the message and choose the person you want to mute from the messenger chats section



Step 3: Then tap on their name, which is found at the top of the pop-out window.

Step 4: From the menu, you can select two options. That is a mute conversation or ignore the message as both mute the Facebook messages from the targeted person.

On Mobile Device

Like on a desktop, using a mobile device is even simpler than muting someone through Facebook messenger. Find out in these steps:-

Step 1: Click on the ‘I' information icon in the selected conversation on your Facebook account. That is only for android users. But if you are using iOS, you can click on the target person's name from the top of the chosen conversation thread.



Step 2: Then, on the resulting menu, click on mute.

Step 3: Then, chooses the relevant section from the menu. Go with the one you are sure will fulfill all your needs, and when you are done with that, click the OK button and finalize.

How to Unmute Someone in the Facebook News Feed

In the above part, we have learned how to mute. But here, we are going through different steps to unmute the person we have muted. Again, the steps differ from one device to another, though much more similar.

Beforehand, we must state that Facebook automatically unmutes the person after 30 days when you snooze the account. If you feel like this is longer than enough, you can proceed to unmute. You can select the method below based on the device you are using.

On Desktop

This is simpler by only following a few steps. Once you have logged in to your account on the Desktop, follow the below steps:-

Step 1: On the website, navigate through your Facebook account, then tap on the menu icon, which is found at the top toolbar section.


Step 2: From the resulting menu, click on settings and privacy.


Step 3: Then proceed with the option of news feed preferences.


Step 4: Then, you will see a popup with a menu. Here, tap on the reconnect.


Step 5: Then tap the following icon close to the user you wish to unmute.

Step 6: Then, on the newsfeed popup, choose snooze so you can temporarily access all the people you muted.


Step 7: Then tap on the snooze icon close to the name and end the snoozing before 30 days elapses on the user. That is all, and you are done with the desktop device.

On Mobile Device

Step 1: Launch your Facebook account, and log in with your relevant details.

Step 2: Head to the story section, which is found at the top of the feed on your account.

Step 3: Then locate the person you want to mute their story and click on one of the stories under this section. The story can be from the Facebook page or a group.

Step 4: After that, tap on the 3 horizontal lines found at the top right corner of the store you selected.

Step 5: Then click on the mute(name) from the resulting menu and confirm again by clicking mute, and you are done.



There is a big difference between unfriending and muting your friend's story on Facebook. Again, there is a big difference as well when it comes to unfollowing. But keep in mind that when mute someone's story, you are still friends on the platform, and you will also access their posts on your news feed as normal.

How to Bulk Unfollow on Facebook?

The above steps can be annoying when you have a long list of users on Facebook to mute. But the bulk Facebook unfollow feature guarantees you a fast and convenient process. Unfollowing someone will mute their posts on your news feed. Therefore, if you are in such as situation, follow the below steps:

Step 1: Launch the Facebook application or visit the Facebook website. Then log in to access your account.

Step 2: Click to the menu section, and from there, choose settings and privacy


Step 3: Then go with the settings and tap on the news feed from the resulting menu.

Step 4: From there, tap on the unfollow icon.


Step 5: You can now proceed to select the list of people you want to unfollow or mute. When you are through,m tap on the back icon. This means that anyone that you have just selected is placed on the unfollow list, and it is automatically that you have muted their accounts for 30 days.


Therefore this far, you have learned how to mute someone on Facebook. The process is applicable in muting the Facebook stories from the news feed or even on Facebook messenger. Other than automatically unmuting friends after 30 days, you can also follow the above steps to unmute them.

However, Facebook does not notify a user when you mute them on the platform, but some people look for unique behaviors in the application or on the platform to know when you have muted them. o, the choice to mute someone on Facebook depends on you entirely. You can also do away with the offenders and distractors using this method.